Infant 1 Room

Infant 1 Room is for our non-walking learners.

In this room, children are loved and cared for as they work towards their goals. We focus on establishing their first routine, getting used to new people, rolling over, sitting up, hand-eye coordination, tummy time, core strength, standing up, and so much more!

Infant 2 Room

Infant 2 Room is for newly-walking learners.

Beginning around 1 year old, children are moved into this room to focus on their walking skills with and without support, developing routines for their day, drinking from a cup, using words, learning to point to body parts, and so much more! They are showing and learning personalities!

Toddler Room

​​The Toddler Room is for confident walking learners ages (approx.) 15 months to 2 years old.

Children are moved into this room to focus on their growing skills - they jump and play, start making sentences from their growing vocabulary, begin learning how to follow simple directions, use toys for make-believe play, and even start toileting and napping  routines. They are busy movin' and groovin'!

2 Year Old Room

The 2 Year Old Room is for curious investigators.

Around the age of 2 years old, children are moved into this room to work on developing language skills, practicing routines, dancing, doing finger plays, and enhancing their large motor skills. They are constantly learning about the world around them!

2 1/2 Year Old Room

The 2 1/2 yr old room is for our explorers.

In this room, children are loved and motivated as they work toward their goals. Around age 2 1/2, children are moved up into this room to focus on their ever-changing skills. In this room, we are exploring more pretend play, starting 2 step directions, working on potty training. enhancing vocabulary with rhyming, sorting objects, building, coloring and so much more! We are focused on the task ahead!

3 Year Old Room

The Threes Room is for our learners ages 3-4.

In this room, children are loved and encouraged as they work toward their goals. Around age 3, children are moved up into this room to establish a "school routine" in which they come to school to play with their friends and learn new things through play. We are still working on toileting/napping routines, beginning to interact more with friends, using our knowledge of colors, shapes and numbers to sort objects, increasing our ability to sit for a story, following directions with 1-2 steps, and starting to show our independence. We are playful, curious, and determined!

3 1/2 Year Old Room

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

3 Year Old Preschool

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

4-Year-Old Room

The Fours Room is for our learners ages 4-5. In this room, children are loved and encouraged as they work toward their developmental goals. Around age 4, children are moved up into this room as "the big kids of the center". We are speaking in complete sentences, counting  objects, recognizing our name, beginning to have a grasp on some letters and numbers in print, possibly even writing some, creating play scenarios with our friends instead of just next to them, working on our sharing abilities, and being enabled to follow 2-3 step directions. We are rambunctious, inquisitive, and sensitive!

4-Year-Old Kindergarten

The 4K rooms are part of the 2 1/2 hour school day ​run in partnership with the WI Rapids School District. We have two 4K rooms on site (and one more over at Lots of Tots) that have an AM session and a PM session. Each session runs for 2 1/2 hours and are a wonderful precursor to beginning 5K. In 4K our curriculum is play based. We learn  art, science, math, writing, reading, routines, social skills, and large motor development all through hands on activities and social interaction between peers. We provide field trips and classroom visitors to enhance our themes. Busing can be provided for 4k students in our area, if needed.

4-Year-Old Lots of Tots

Off-site building, located at Pitsch Elementary

At Lots of Tots, we have 2 rooms. We have a 3yr old preschool and a 4K classroom. The 4K has an Am and Pm session that runs for 2 1/2 hours in partnership with the WI Rapids School District. Busing to 4K is available for any 4K student in our area. Preschool children must provide their own transportation.

The 3 yr old Preschool Room is designed to give learners ages 3-4 an opportunity to experience a preschool routine, maybe for the first time. Many children this age have not had much exposure to being away from their parents. The children in this room are loved and welcomed as they work toward their developmental goals. We work on playing cooperatively together, sitting for stories, following simple directions, hand washing, and so much more!

The 4K classroom runs for 2 1/2 hours and is a wonderful precursor to beginning 5K. In 4K our curriculum is play based. We learn  art, science, math, writing, reading, routines, social skills, and large motor development all through hands on activities and social interaction between peers. We provide field trips and classroom visitors to enhance our themes. Lots of learning goes on here!

Surround Care

The Surround Care Room is for our learners who need care beyond the 4K day (before or after). In this room, children are loved and promoted as they work on their goals. In this room we provide structure and educational play to get children ready for kindergarten while teaching them to play and interact with kids their own age. We will incorporate lessons through songs and hands on activities that focus on identifying colors, numbers, shapes and letters, fine and gross motor skills, and social skills. We are becoming more independent and finding our place in this big big world!